Page Rank: An Important Factor For Enhancing Lead Generation

Page rank is mostly referred to by many people as Google Page Rank, but this term may also be used when referring to the ranking of certain keywords on search engines. It is also known as the numeric value that indicates the importance of a page on the internet. However, the term “Page Rank” is Google’s trademark and has also been patented by Stanford University.
Google uses its page rank algorithm to decide the importance of pages on the internet. Although there are many other factors that Google take into consideration when determining the rank or importance of a website, page rank is said to be the most important factor. Posting engaging contents that are worth linking to other website is crucial when it comes to page ranking as Google considers the linking of one website to another as a way to cast a vote in favor of the linked site.
The number of such presumed votes greatly influences how Google ranks a particular page on the internet. However, the credibility, rank and track record of the linking websites also contributes to how Google ranks the linked website. In addition, it is said that Google does not consider all the links as its system helps to exclude links from popular link farms. Many other links, due to a number of reasons, may even lead Google to penalize a website.
The page ranking position of a website is believed to be very important as it determines the ranking of the page in a search result. These invariably determine whether your page will appear on the first page of a search engine result. Appearing on the first or second page is also a determinant of whether you will reach your targeted audience or not. Driving traffic and lead generation is heavily dependent on this factor. But many online businesses now treat the page ranking algorithm as dead, nonexistent or not a useful consideration for their business.
For some time now, most online business owners have utilized Google page ranking algorithm to measure the success and progress of their website. Having an impressive numeric value when it comes to page ranking is automatically deemed to be a sign of success. Even though page ranking still remains one of the most effective ways to boost lead generation, many people have now ignored the algorithm.
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It is crucial to state that page rank is still an important concept that has an immeasurable effect on the success of every online business. The ranking of your website will go a long way in determining if you will reach your targeted audience or if at all your business will be successful online. In terms of lead generation, using page rank to reach the right audience at the right time is also considered to be an effective strategy.
There is no doubt that many online businesses are still focused on the struggle to achieve success via boosting their website rankings. However, many businesses now prefer to adopt black hat methods and other manipulative ways to achieve their ranking goals even though there are so many simple ways to boost page rank without having to turn to the so-called black hat techniques.
Google has developed technologies that will help it detect any kind of search engine abuse, spam, paid links, cloaking, redirect and much more. Additionally, it is not advisable for website owners to based their measure of success on page rank as Google updates the rankings regularly after few months. More emphasis should be placed on maintaining the rank and not on the position of the rank itself.
One of the business objectives of most webmasters is how to improve site rankings and drive more quality traffic to their website. Many people turn to professional digital marking services, while others opt to purchase paid traffics. However, these could be effective methods but the importance of acquiring links from credible web pages and authority in boosting page rank and driving quality traffic cannot be overemphasized.
Although focusing on boosting page rank is an important step towards increased lead generation, website owners should also pay attention to their visitors and how to keep them coming back for more. Furthermore, there are other factors to take into consideration when looking to use page ranking to achieve more lead generation.
Webmasters must first focus on creating a solid URL structure by including everything you believe will aid easy access to your content by your target audience. Online business owners should also invest quality time in creating better meta titles and meta descriptions as these are what appears in search engines. It is advisable to use Alt Tags, and create more engaging contents on a regular basis as it is the most effective way to maintain the level of lead generation targeted for a particular website.
Website owners should also backlink their own related articles frequently and utilize Social Media to increase awareness and online presence. It is necessary from time to time to hide irrelevant pages, focus on link diversity rather than link quality, and source for quality links. It is believed that these tips will boost page rank, which will, in turn, enhance lead generation.
Categorised in: SEO
This post was written by Webpinas Online Solutions
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