Author Archives for Webpinas Online Solutions

Importance Of Artificial Intelligence To Your Digital Marketing Strategy

October 15, 2017 7:39 pm Published by Comments Off on Importance Of Artificial Intelligence To Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Artificial intelligence popularly referred to as AI is a term that is usually associated with the use of machines to imitate the function of the human mind. These functions may include voice recognition, problem-solving, planning, learning, reasoning, perception and much more. It can also be described as a field of computer science that focuses on the creation and use of machines that mimic the function of the human mind.

Importance Of Positive Reviews And Ratings To An e-commerce Store

September 15, 2017 7:30 pm Published by Comments Off on Importance Of Positive Reviews And Ratings To An e-commerce Store

Hundreds of e-commerce stores are being created daily. The latest trend for most offline businesses now is to create an e-commerce store to keep up with the current trend. New technologies are being developed to help business owners showcase and market their products and services with more ease. Customers are now more comfortable shopping online, rather than going through the hassles of shopping directly from the supermarket. Since the number of e-commerce stores is increasing rapidly, the need for advancement, proper management and the success of e-commerce websites become extremely important.

Tips To Plan And Manage A Sucessful Affiliate Marketing Campaign

August 15, 2017 7:22 pm Published by Comments Off on Tips To Plan And Manage A Sucessful Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Affiliate marketing refers to a kind of marketing procedure whereby merchants employ the services of publishers to help spread awareness of their brand. In other words, it is a performance-based marketing whereby marketers pay publishers for each lead that a brand receives as a result of a publisher’s efforts. Affiliate marketing is basically a marketing strategy that is based on revenue-sharing, in which marketers pay publishers based on the outcome of their marketing efforts. This kind of marketing strategy utilizes tools like pay per lead, pay per click, and pay per sale.

Some Difficulties Asociated With Influencer Marketing Campaigns

August 15, 2017 7:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Some Difficulties Asociated With Influencer Marketing Campaigns

The methods and procedures used to achieve the goals of influencer marketing are constantly changing. Therefore it becomes pertinent for marketers to dance to the changing tune and adopt new strategies. A marketer who wants to be successful should never get tired of employing new strategies to blend with changing times. Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on using indirect means to achieve direct results. It involves employing the services of some individuals who are believed to have a particular degree of influence on the target audience.

Backlinks: A Key To Higher Page Rank And Lead Generation

July 8, 2017 3:06 pm Published by Comments Off on Backlinks: A Key To Higher Page Rank And Lead Generation

Backlinks are links on a website that is directed to another website with a similar content or for reference purposes. Backlinks, which are also known as inbound links is a factor that is considered by search engines when determining the quality, credibility, and rank of a particular website. In other words, the quantity and quality of backlinks obtained by a website will determine how it is treated by search engines. Search engines prioritize contents from websites with larger numbers of high-quality backlinks compared to those that have less. Backlinks go a long way in indicating the popularity and credibility of... View Article

Facebook Adds Value Optimization And Lookalike Audiences Tool To Ad Bidding

June 25, 2017 9:44 am Published by Comments Off on Facebook Adds Value Optimization And Lookalike Audiences Tool To Ad Bidding

Facebook has added value optimization and Lookalike Audiences to ad bidding . According to reports, Facebook stated in a recent announcement that it wants to help marketers reach their target audience easy and fast. It is no news that the social media company benefits a huge chunk from the revenue generated by the industry from digital ads.

Google Assistant Update: New Actions Now Available To Smartphone App Developers

June 25, 2017 7:38 am Published by 1,840 Comments

New updates reveal that Google Actions are now available to smartphone application developers. According to reports, Google has created new methods that will assist smartphone application developers to provide new ways for users to do things. The new Actions will allow developers to include applications and other services to the Assistant intelligent agent on the Google Home device.

How To Use SEO Techniques To Improve Page Ranking

May 9, 2017 6:57 am Published by Comments Off on How To Use SEO Techniques To Improve Page Ranking

Search Engine Optimization popularly known as SEO is a concept that is used to refer to the visibility of a page or website on search engines. SEO is generally focused on the visibility of web pages in non-paid/organic search results. It includes the composition of every factor that is necessary to boost page ranking, increase traffic and spread brand awareness. It is also the way you frame the contents of your website so they are easily understood by search engines. For every online business to succeed and achieve its goals, it must be visible on search engines as the more... View Article

Importance And Challenges Of Creating A Successful Multichannel Marketing Campaign

April 9, 2017 11:41 am Published by Comments Off on Importance And Challenges Of Creating A Successful Multichannel Marketing Campaign

Multi-channel marketing as the name implies is the process of utilizing a single marketing strategy across several different platforms and channels. Multi-channel marketing is regarded by many digital marketers as an effective way to get products and services to targeted customers and to bring customers to your products. It helps to maximize the opportunity for marketers to relate with prospective customers. Multi-channel marketing could be achieved through an attempt to reach your targeted audience via a print ad, email, SMS, websites, mobile applications, promotional events, word-of-mouth, product package and even retail locations. This strategy also allows marketers to reach all... View Article

How To Increase Leads Within A short Period Of Time

March 20, 2017 7:53 pm Published by Comments Off on How To Increase Leads Within A short Period Of Time

Lead generation is the process of acquiring the interest of one’s target audience in the products and services offered by that individual. It is already clear that increasing leads will help most online businesses to effectively reach their targeted audience and make more sales. However, it is not just about increasing leads but increasing quality leads. Increasing leads should be a priority for every online business owner. Webmasters should adopt strategies and techniques that will make it easier for them to generate quality leads from multiple platforms. It is also crucial to prioritize brand awareness and online presence. It is... View Article